Face Masks For Summer

During summers, due to the harsh sun rays and exposure to harmful UV rays, apart from tanning, out skin tends to look dull and the glow is lost. It is worst on dry skin. The only way to get back the glowing skin is by proper skin care. Face masks have always proved to be great skin care regime. Here are some face masks for glowing skin -

1.Egg And Almond – One egg white mixed with one spoon of almond powder makes the perfect summer skin care regime. Apply this mask for twenty minutes and then wash with cold water. It tightens the skin, treats open pores, is a great cleanser and rejuvenates the skin.

2.Cucumber And Yogurt
– This face mask for glowing skin is perfect for summers. Grate half cucumber and mix two spoons of yogurt in it. Blend it well and apply on your face. Leave it for 15 minutes and then wash off with cold water. Cucumber cools off the skin protecting and treating the skin of sunburns and tanning. This gets back the freshness of the skin. Yogurt removes skin darkening.

3.Apple and Oatmeal
– Crush one half an apple and mix one spoon of crushed oatmeal in it. To make it even more effective mix honey to it. Keep it on for 15 minutes and then wash it off with cold water. This makes the skin soft and supple.

4.Papaya, Honey And Yogurt
– Crush some papaya, mix one spoon of honey and one spoon of yogurt. Apply this to your face and let it dry for 15minutes. Papaya nourishes the skin, honey clears skin tanning and yogurt is a natural bleach. Thus, this face mask for glowing skin works wonders.

This summer try these four best face masks for glowing skin. These masks should be applied in the night, as after applying it one should not be exposed to pollution and heat.